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Raw, Refined or Boiled Linseed Oil - Which is Best for Your Project?

When it comes to choosing the right type of linseed oil for your project, it's important to understand the differences between raw, refined, and cooked linseed oil. Each type has unique properties and uses, depending on your specific needs.

  1. Raw Linseed Oil : The oil is ideal for deep wood treatment. It is extracted through gentle pressing under low temperature, which results in an oil with small molecules that penetrate deep into the wood. This makes crude linseed oil perfect for priming and impregnation, as well as for the manufacture of paint and putty. Our raw linseed oil is extra purified to ensure the highest possible quality.

  2. Refined Linseed Oil : The oil goes through an additional purification process, making it extra suitable for finer woodwork where a clean and bright finish is desired. The refined linseed oil is purified with bleaching earth to achieve an exceptionally high quality.

  3. Boiled Linseed Oil : Unlike raw linseed oil, boiled linseed oil builds up layers on the surface and dries faster, giving a glossier and more protective finish. This makes it an excellent choice for surface treatment of furniture, carpentry and other wooden objects where a durable surface is desired. Boiled linseed oil is also used in the manufacture of paint, glaze and varnish.

Choosing the right type of linseed oil for your wood care project is critical to achieving the best possible results. By understanding the characteristics of each type, you can ensure that your wood receives the care and protection it deserves.